Tuesday, September 20, 2005

my schedule

For those who have been inquiring, this is what I’ve been up to, and why I' ve been traveling so much…(check out the name of my blog...I am trying to be international)

August 13th – 26th (well, 27th because of weak ass KLM messing up my ticket)
I was volunteering with Camp Amelia, a non profit org started by a friend of mine at school. Check out the link: www.CampAmelia.org. Check out the posts below for more info…

August 29th – Sept 17th Tokyo Overseas Studies Seminar: Tokyo since 1945: Rising from the Ruins. Check out the link for more info. Tokyo is so cool.

Sept 17th – 22nd I’m in Kyoto now, finally on vacation. I have a rail pass, so I’ll be traveling the next few days, just seeing the local area, visiting the famous sights, and chilling out!

Sept 22nd – 26th Hong Kong. Figured I should see another city in Asia before I went home, and why not go somewhere where I can spend the last of my life savings wisely on bootleg purses and cheap, high tech electronics!

I’ll be home on September 26th, the first day of class…


POPS said...

text me if you find some stupid good gadget deals...

Reeta said...

I'm jealous...I'm strugglin right now to get out of California right now and you're all over the world. I miss the days of using my passport. I wanna be like you when I grow up =0)

POPS said...

your fan club is still waiting on pictures...