Wednesday, November 09, 2005

My Modeling Career

My modeling career, summarized by the ever eloquent STRONG BAD!

Saturday, November 05, 2005

The Latest

Hi everyone,

Thanks for reading. It's so cool that people besides my parents actually look at this thing. Now for the list of updates...

1. I'm back in America, finishing school, which mildly sucks.
2. I ended up not going to Hong Kong afterall.
3. I'm looking for a job. If you have any connections in New York City, let me know.
4. I finish school in December
5. Might be at R1 FRC. Will know this week.
6. I have pictures for all the blogs, but won't get to them until the week of Thanksgiving, when I have a break.

I'll post a real update when my life gets a bit less hectic. Holler atcha girl.