Friday, August 24, 2007

I'm Just Saying: Second

Daft punk probably wrote every house song you never knew you liked...

I'm just saying.

I'm Just Saying: First

Welcome to the "I'm Just Sayin'" series. Nothing too major...I'm just saying. 

The topic is usually music, and usually hip hop at that. But it could vary. I'm just saying.

Here we go:

Cool & Dre make everything sound triumphant...

I'm just sayin.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Paul Wall: "I Got the Internet Goin' Nuts!"

This video is the dopest thing I've seen all week. And given the amount of tubes there are out there on the Internets, that's saying a lot ;-p

The only thing I would add at the section at the end when you're listing everything we have to rethink is "work" or "labor" or something along those lines. I think commerce doesn't quite encapsulate the changing nature of what we think of as labor/work/employment/work-life balance/work habits etc.

I noticed this b/c I watched this video @ work =)

Wow, you're so "Articulate"

Dope ass article from the NYT on why Black people get mad when they're described as "articulate." My favorite quote from the article:

"The word perfectly conveys, to quote George Bush, the soft bigotry of low expectations. It literally comes down to that. When people say it, what they are really saying is that someone is articulate ... for a black person."

Check it out HERE

Friday, January 26, 2007


Why is it that when people say some racist shit, afterwords when it gets public and they have to defend themselves, they always feel the need to point out how many Black people, or Indian people, or Asian people they actually know and are friends with. "I'm not racist, my best friend is Black!" "I'm not racist, my third-cousin married a coon!" "I'm not racist, I stand next to chinks every day on the bus!"

As if knowing someone non-white immediately negates the fact that they let some offensive shit come out of their mouths in public.

Disclaimer: it's not only white people that do this. This Asian chick I know pulled it on me too, talking about the racist commercial she sent to me was sent to her by her Black "best friend." Probably wasn't her best friend. And people of color are racist too, so the fact that someone Black sent her some racist shit doesn't mean it's okay to pass it on.

I thought that maybe this was a reaction held by all people, regardless of color. Maybe everyone is inclined to just think of the first person in their vicinity who can help absolve them of their offense, to use their MySpace and LinkedIn friends as a thin shield against the cruel PR bombs. But, no. That brotha off of Grey's Anatomy who called his co-worker a fag didn't turn around the next day talking about his sister is a homo, or that he had a gay college roommate, or that he marched in the Gay Rights parade last month. Instead, he checked into Rehab. Yup, smart move homie. Pretend to be a crackhead...and all your PR problems associated with being a racist/sexist/homophobic biggot are gone...

Take note.

Isaiah Washington, smartest TV Star ever
Big Brother Jo denying she's a biggot

I'll spare you another Kramer link. We all know what that fool tried to say...

Update 4/07: Imus pulled the shit too!!

"He pointed to his involvement with the Imus Ranch, a cattle farm for children with cancer and blood disorders in Ribera, New Mexico. Ten percent of the children who come to the ranch are black, he added."
Imus shalking tit