Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Red Red

Back at the internet cafe, BusyInternet, with about 13 minutes left, just enough time to quickly write a blog...

I've spent the past couple of days getting to know Accra, basically through the various shopping runs we've made to buy materials for next weeks' camp. It's been terribly unorganized but bargaining and roaming the streets of Osu, the sort of downtown area, has been fun. One thing that has been delicious is the food. We tried Red Red the other day, which is fried plantains and this sort of bean stew that can have chicken or fish or beef in it if you want. So yummy. I was worried about being able to eat, but since we've mainly been going to nice restaurants, its been cool. There's this one place we went to, called Marquis Tante Marie that serves a grilled tilapia (fish) dish--similar to some of the Jamaican fish dishes I've had, and so delicious. Yummy.

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